The Academy of Sciences is pivotal in proactive policy-making and science communication for the development of nations. The Academy of Sciences aims to promote natural sciences, mathematics, medicine, environmental and other life sciences, the engineering sciences, social sciences, and the humanities in line with Malawi’ national development goals.

Academy of Science

Call for applications!

The Academy of Science in Malawi is inviting submissions for upcoming AMASA 2024 to be held in Algeria on 26-28 November 2024. Papers for consideration by the Scientific Committee for the presentation of a poster or as a speaker, before the extended deadline of 5 July 2024.
Submissions are to be made by following this link: 2024 AMASA Call for Papers



The Academy of Science in Malawi is a science organization established by a group of eminent scientists, referred to as ‘Founding Members’ with the aim of promoting science in Malawi.


The Academy is concerned with the promotion of the natural sciences, mathematics, medicine, environmental and other life sciences, engineering sciences, social sciences, and the humanities in line with Sustainable Development goals and Malawi’s national development goals.


The aims of the Academy are achieved by using necessary subcommittees that are set up as needs arise, and through meetings, conferences, workshops, and general interactions between professionals or professional bodies with science agendas aimed at promoting sustainable development.


The Academy has legal personality under the laws of Malawi, it may receive and dispose of property, monies, and other assets and is capable of suing and being sued under its name.


In pursuing these objectives the Academy ensures the highest standards of independence and impartiality. Any recommendations or advice emanating from the Academy is based on merit and is made public, unless otherwise.

To promote excellence in scientific research conducted by scientists who are citizens of Malawi;

To promote contacts and collaboration among scientists who are citizens of Malawi; and between them and the wider global scientific fraternity;

To strengthen the global position and role of scientific research conducted by scientists who are citizens of Malawi;

To advise the government of Malawi on scientific aspects of social and economic issues and on all matters related to science teaching, research and science education;

To provide information on science to, and build support for science with, the general public in Malawi;


The Academy undertakes, but not limited to, the following activities:

Present a platform for discussion and dialogue to all scientists from Malawi and elsewhere on issues of common interest;

Elect into the membership of the Academy scientists who have made outstanding contributions in respective field(s) that meet the highest accepted standards;

Academy of Science

Represent and promote the interests of science in Malawi through national, regional and international organisations and decision-making bodies;

Raise funds through devises, bequests, subscriptions, grants and from any other legitimate source for the promotion of science and the general welfare of the Academy;

In Addition

The Academy of Science in Malawi Represented at the International Science Council General Assembly in Oman

We are pleased to announce that Professor Muula is attending the International Science Council (ISC) General Assembly in Oman, representing The Academy of Science (TAS). His participation underscores our commitment to global scientific collaboration and knowledge exchange.

The ISC has generously funded the participation of the representative for the Academy of Sciences in Malawi, reinforcing its support for scientific advancement in the region.

Additionally, Director General Kadzamira is also present in Oman, representing NCST in his capacity as Director General, while also engaging on behalf of the Academy of Sciences in Malawi.
We look forward to the insights and collaborations that will emerge from this important global gathering.


Award competitive research grants to scientists who are citizens of, and to research organisations established in, Malawi, either from its own financial resources or from financial resources made available to it;

Award medals, prizes and other honours to scientists from Malawi or elsewhere who have made outstanding contributions to their respective field(s) or to the objectives of the Academy;

Organise forums for dissemination of scientific research in Malawi, like publishing journals, other periodicals and books, both for the community and/or through conferences, workshops and symposia on themes and topics that fall within the objectives of the Academy;

In Addition

In carrying out these activities the Academy endeavors to contribute to the social and economic development of Malawi by increasing awareness in society of the values represented by science and scientific methods.

In carrying out these activities the Academy maintains effective cooperation and coordination with other organizations or institutions, national or international, which have similar objectives

Contact Us

Have questions or need assistance? Contact us!
Phone: +265 881 12 06 23
Address: 1st Floor Lingadzi House Robert Mugabe Crescent Capital City Lilongwe 3 Malawi

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